[Zope] High Traffic Zope Portal

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Fri Sep 16 15:39:23 EDT 2005

--On 16. September 2005 15:09:37 -0300 Jeronimo Zucco <jczucco at ucs.br> 
> We posted a dynamic document for the students (35.000). The document is
> generated using queries in MySql database, after user autentication
> using mysqluserfolder.
> The python processes occupied 100% of machines resources (cpu and
> memory), and the load average increased quickly. We evidenced that the
> problems had occurred before user authentication, only trying access the
> initial page of the Zope portal.
> We estimated that the simultaneous accesses to our portal are
> approximately 10000 people in a moment, that finished generating a DoS
> (Denial of Service) in our portal.

Short answer: all requests are processed by four worker thread - one after 
each other. If the threads are busy, all other requests have to wait in the 
request pipeline.

When you document is generated but static for all users then you should 
make it cachable and so it can be emitted through the Apache cache.

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