[Zope] Improved Zope Org Proposal

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Mon Jun 26 08:55:40 EDT 2006

Andrew Sawyers wrote:
> It then came to technology.  Some cared some didn't.  I personally
> didn't if the result was something which the community could be proud of
> and not make excuses for as they directed people to the site. 

I'd add the caveat that it needs to be stable maintainable software that 
isn't going to cause the problems the current zope.org software has, 
even though it was the "latest and greatest" when it was introduced.

> has offered resources to accomplish this to finally happen.  They
> currently have taken the artistic work done by Tom Von Lahndorff 

Yay! Tom's stuff rocked!

> A group of people in the (Plone) community have volunteered
> their time and resources to put together an improved,
> **interim** zope.org site.

Meh, so that'll be interim for the next 5 to 10 years, right? ;-)

> * The zope.org site will be set up with the same software that runs
> plone.org. 

*insert plohn rant here*

>   PloneSoftwareCenter for software distribution.  For bug
>   tracking, either links to the existing ZC trackers or
>   a Trac installation.

*insert Trac rant here*

> * plone.org and zope.org software updates will be done at the
>   same time and by the same people.  The more similar the 
>   code/products are, the simpler it will be to update them in
>   parallel.  

*insert "snowball's chance in helL" rant here*

> * zope.org will be hosted outside of ZC's servers.  I believe
>   Bas has lined up a suitable box similar to the one that
>   runs plone.org (dual P4-class processors, lots of memory).

Um, no. I'd much prefer to see it stay as part of ZC's cluster of 
managed machines... I feel great comfort that knowing the infrastructure 
zope.org runs on form part of a setup that can handle 4000 
requests/second if we really needed it to ;-)

>   See http://new.zope.nl for an initial a mock-up.  The existing
>   concept of membership for uploading bit-rot content will be retired.

*insert but-that's-what-zope.org-isfor rant here*

> * The zope.org site should acknowledge contributors in a overt fashion.
> "Zope Rock Stars" who have risen up above the call of duty,

God I hate these "rock star" phrases...

Ah well, this meta-ranting is much quicker and easier...

Honestly, if it works, and its fast and stable and has bug trackers on 
it, and I can download Zope and CMF from it, I'm happy...

I can't stump up time to work on anything, so I know I forfeit my right 
to complain, and will just have to watch nervously from the sidelines...


Chris - what? so this is, like, omgnyazop? ;-)

Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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