[Zope] Improved Zope Org Proposal

Lennart Regebro regebro at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 09:51:16 EDT 2006

On 6/26/06, Chris Withers <chris at simplistix.co.uk> wrote:
> Ah well, this meta-ranting is much quicker and easier...

Hehe. :)

I would like to point out a minor conflict between two of your meta-rants:

>I'd add the caveat that it needs to be stable maintainable software that
>isn't going to cause the problems the current zope.org software has,
>even though it was the "latest and greatest" when it was introduced.


> *insert plohn rant here*

Well, kinda righto again. But... the products part of plone org seems
to work and seems to be reasonably stable and maintainable. I think we
should set up a products.zope.org with that software, and let people
move the products pages over from www.zope.org and the retire the
products part of www.zope.org.

We could do this pretty much now, and it would enhance *.zope.org
quite a lot. Not much work, lots of result. :) But yes, that means
using Plone.

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo     http://www.nuxeo.com/
CPS Content Management     http://www.cps-project.org/

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