[Zope] Random Crashes/Freezes on FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE

alex at schnarff.com alex at schnarff.com
Tue Feb 20 11:49:42 EST 2007

>> * Zope 2.9
> Which Zope 2.9 version?

 From the Control Panel:

Plone version overview
Plone 2.5.1,
Zope (Zope 2.9.5-final, python 2.4.3, freebsd5),
Five 1.3.7,
Python 2.4.3 (#2, Jul 2 2006, 16:14:54) [GCC 3.4.2 [FreeBSD] 20040728],
PIL 1.1.5

>> * Apache 2.0.58, compiled with:
> The apache configuration isn't really of interest.

Sorry for the crud, then, just trying to find anything that might cause 

> You might check your Zope log files for additional informations. Enable
> coredumps (ulimit) and check if there are any core files floating around
> after a crash.

Already had:

alex at tms: /usr/local/www/$ limits
Resource limits (current):
   cputime          infinity secs
   filesize         infinity kb
   datasize           524288 kb
   stacksize           65536 kb
   coredumpsize     infinity kb
   memoryuse        infinity kb
   memorylocked     infinity kb
   maxprocesses         5547
   openfiles           11095
   sbsize           infinity bytes
   vmemoryuse       infinity kb

...and unless they don't contain ".core" in their name, there are no 
core dumps from Zope on the system.

> There were also some reports with Python crashes on Freebsd because a too
> small thread stack size (I think). You might find something when you google
> for "freebsd python zope stack size".

I've already seen this issue, and it's apparently not the cause here. 
According to the guy who installed it, Python was compiled with the 
"HUGE_STACK_SIZE" option, which was the root of those problems. Good 
thought, though. :-)

Alex Kirk

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