[Zope] Re: utf-8 problem in Zope when using Localizer

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Tue Sep 4 13:35:07 EDT 2007

Josef Meile wrote at 2007-9-4 09:31 +0200:
>>> Install a separate python that is used only by your zope instance. Use
>>> setdefaultencoding only there.
>> This is nonense. A custom sitecustomize.py script does the job without 
>> installing a complete new Python.
>You need to read a previous reply:
> >I set it global in sitecustomize.py under 
> >/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages and then
> >
> >
> ><dtml-var "MessageCatalog('Hallo Welt!')">
> >
> >works. Now I only must find the right place for setdefaultencoding() so
> >it only affect my zope-instance.
>For the path used there "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages", it seems
>that the python used by zope is a binary that comes into a rpm package,
>so, this may break some things on the OS. So, I guess a new python for
>only zope makes sense here

There is no need to put "sitecustomize.py" in the global
Python distribution. Any place on the "PYTHONPATH" as effective
when Python starts is sufficient.

We ensure that "$INSTANCE_HOME/lib/python" is on this path
and then can put "sitecustomize.py" there.


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