[Zope] problem with commits in SQLAlchemyDA

robert rottermann robert at redcor.ch
Mon Aug 17 10:04:42 EDT 2009

I do not see any reference to mark_changed
you have to call it before any transaction.commit() to tell the zope transaction
machinery that it has to commit you changes also.

Maric Michaud schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I wanted to use SQALchemyDA with a standalone Zope 2.11 (we only depends 
> on CMFCore).
> i tried to get it up using easy_install, which is pretty 
> straightforward, once removed the incompatible zope.component package 
> needed in the dependencies.
> It ends up with the following installed packages (skipping zope 3 
> components) :
> zope.sqlalchemy-0.4-py2.4.egg
> z3c.sqlalchemy-
> SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.4.egg
> Products.SQLAlchemyDA-0.4.1-py2.4.egg
> At first glance, this works well, but the DA actually can't manage to 
> commit any sql requests (I try only for insert in Mysql and postgres but 
> I'm sure it's always true).
> This is quite an unexpectable behavior for a DA.
> I think the problem is related to this thread I found on tg-trunk 
> newsgroup :
> http://www.mail-archive.com/turbogears-trunk@googlegroups.com/msg07302.html
> There is a misleading comment in the docstring of 
> zope.sqlalchemy.datamanager.join_transaction speaking of a 
> DirtyAfterFlush SessionExtension, which I never seen except in plone code.
> In the last I finally manage to make it work by monkey patching 
> SQLAlchemyDA itself this way :
> try :
>      from Products.SQLAlchemyDA import da
>      from z3c.sqlalchemy import getSAWrapper, createSAWrapper
>      if '0.4.1' in da.__file__ and not hasattr(da.SAWrapper,
>                                '_patched__wrapper_property') :
>          da.SAWrapper._patched__wrapper_property = da.SAWrapper._wrapper
>          def _always_invalidated_wrapper(self):
>              """The property '_wrapper' patched by CFENet to correct what
>              seems to be a bug in SQLAlchemyDA which prevents any
>              commit."""
>              from zope.sqlalchemy.datamanager import STATUS_INVALIDATED
>              if self.dsn:
>                  try:
>                      return getSAWrapper(self.util_id)
>                  except ValueError:
>                      return createSAWrapper(
>                        self.dsn, forZope=True,
>                        transactional=self.transactional,
>                        engine_options={'convert_unicode' : 	
>                                              self.convert_unicode,
>                                        'encoding' : self.encoding},
>                        extension_options={'initial_state': # the whole
>                                                         # point is here
>                                              STATUS_INVALIDATED},
>                        name=self.util_id)
>              return None
>          da.SAWrapper._wrapper = property(_always_invalidated_wrapper)
> except ImportError :
>      pass
> Anyone has any insights about this problem, any comments on my solution, 
> did it have been reported and corrected, or am I simply missing something ?

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