[Zope] problem with commits in SQLAlchemyDA

Maric Michaud maric at aristote.info
Mon Aug 17 10:24:37 EDT 2009

robert rottermann a écrit :
 > I do not see any reference to mark_changed
 > you have to call it before any transaction.commit() to tell the zope 
 > machinery that it has to commit you changes also.
 > robert

In fact, what I understood is that zope.sqlalchemy, by default, bypasses 
the commit if status is not manually set as 'changed' (see the docstring 
I quoted in my previous mail). The alternative is to build the 
SessionExtension with initial_state == STATUS_INVALIDATED.

My point is that it should be the default for a DA, as it is intended to 
be used mainly by zsql methods which doesn't do nothing to the 
transaction state.

Maybe I wasn't clear but the patch works well with my existing zsql code.


Maric Michaud

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