[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/services/pluggableauth - __init__.py:1.2
Chris McDonough
Mon, 23 Jun 2003 18:46:47 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/services/pluggableauth
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv30079/src/zope/app/interfaces/services/pluggableauth
Added Files:
Log Message:
Merge pluggable_authentication_service-branch to HEAD.
You can now use a pluggable authentication service in place of a simple authentication service.
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/services/pluggableauth/__init__.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null Mon Jun 23 18:46:47 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/services/pluggableauth/__init__.py Mon Jun 23 18:46:16 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+from zope.interface import Interface
+from zope.app.interfaces.security import IAuthenticationService
+from zope.schema import TextLine, Password
+from zope.i18n import MessageIDFactory
+_ = MessageIDFactory("zope.app.services.pluggableauth")
+class IUserSchemafied(Interface):
+ """A User object with schema-defined attributes."""
+ id = TextLine(title=_(u"Id"))
+ title = TextLine(title=_(u"Title"))
+ description = TextLine(title=_(u"Description"))
+ login = TextLine(title=_(u"Login"))
+ password = Password(title=_(u"Password"))
+ def validate(test_password):
+ """Confirm whether 'password' is the password of the user."""
+class IPluggableAuthenticationService(IAuthenticationService):
+ """An AuthenticationService that can contain multiple pricipal sources.
+ """
+ def addPrincipalSource(id, principal_source):
+ """Add an IReadPrincipalSource to the end of our OrderedContainer.
+ If id is already present or invalid (according to site
+ policy), raise KeyError.
+ If principal_source does not implement IReadPrincipalSource,
+ raise TypeError
+ """
+ def removePrincipalSource(id):
+ """Remove a PrincipalSource.
+ If id is not present, raise KeyError.
+ """
+class IReadPrincipalSource(Interface):
+ """A read-only source of IPrincipals.
+ """
+ def getPrincipal(id):
+ """Get principal meta-data.
+ Returns an object of type IPrincipal for the given principal
+ id. A NotFoundError is raised if the principal cannot be
+ found.
+ Note that the authentication service nearest to the requested
+ resource is called. It is up to authentication service
+ implementations to collaborate with services higher in the
+ object hierarchy.
+ """
+ def getPrincipals(name):
+ """Get principals with matching names.
+ Get a iterable object with the principals with names that are
+ similar to (e.g. contain) the given name.
+ """
+class IWritePrincipalSource(Interface):
+ """A write-only source of IPrincipals.
+ """
+class IPrincipalSource(IReadPrincipalSource, IWritePrincipalSource):
+ """A read-write principal source."""
+class ILoginPasswordPrincipalSource(IPrincipalSource):
+ """ A principal source which can authenticate a user given a
+ login and a password """
+ def authenticate(login, password):
+ """ Return a principal matching the login/password pair.
+ If there is no principal in this principal source which
+ matches the login/password pair, return None.
+ Note: A login is different than an id. Principals may have
+ logins that differ from their id. For example, a user may
+ have a login which is his email address. He'd like to be able
+ to change his login when his email address changes without
+ effecting his security profile on the site. """