[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/services/pluggableauth - __init__.py:1.2 configure.zcml:1.2
Chris McDonough
Mon, 23 Jun 2003 18:46:48 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/services/pluggableauth
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv30079/src/zope/app/services/pluggableauth
Added Files:
__init__.py configure.zcml
Log Message:
Merge pluggable_authentication_service-branch to HEAD.
You can now use a pluggable authentication service in place of a simple authentication service.
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/pluggableauth/__init__.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null Mon Jun 23 18:46:48 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/pluggableauth/__init__.py Mon Jun 23 18:46:17 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Pluggable Authentication service implementation.
+from __future__ import generators
+import random
+import sys
+import datetime
+from persistence import Persistent
+from zodb.btrees.IOBTree import IOBTree
+from zodb.btrees.OIBTree import OIBTree
+from zope.interface import implements
+from zope.component import getAdapter, queryAdapter
+from zope.context.wrapper import Wrapper
+from zope.context import getWrapperData
+from zope.app.services.servicenames import Authentication
+from zope.component.interfaces import IViewFactory
+from zope.app.container.btree import BTreeContainer
+from zope.app.container.ordered import OrderedContainer
+from zope.app.interfaces.container import IContainer
+from zope.app.interfaces.container import IContainerNamesContainer
+from zope.app.interfaces.container import IOrderedContainer
+from zope.app.interfaces.container import IAddNotifiable
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.pluggableauth import IUserSchemafied
+from zope.app.interfaces.security import ILoginPassword
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.pluggableauth \
+ import IPluggableAuthenticationService
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.pluggableauth import IPrincipalSource
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.pluggableauth import IReadPrincipalSource,\
+ ILoginPasswordPrincipalSource, IWritePrincipalSource
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import ISimpleService
+from zope.app.component.nextservice import queryNextService
+from zope.app.zapi import queryView
+from zope.app.traversing import getPath
+from zope.context import ContextMethod
+from zope.exceptions import NotFoundError
+import random
+def gen_key():
+ """Return a random int (1, MAXINT), suitable for use as a BTree key."""
+ return random.randint(0,sys.maxint-1)
+class PluggableAuthenticationService(OrderedContainer):
+ implements(IPluggableAuthenticationService, ISimpleService,
+ IOrderedContainer, IAddNotifiable)
+ def __init__(self, earmark=None):
+ self.earmark = earmark
+ OrderedContainer.__init__(self)
+ def afterAddHook(self, object, container):
+ """ See IAddNotifiable. """
+ if self.earmark is None:
+ # XXX need to generate a better earmark that's more likely
+ # to be unique and which you can use to actually identify
+ # the auth service in error messages
+ self.earmark = str(random.randint(0, sys.maxint-1))
+ afterAddHook = ContextMethod(afterAddHook)
+ def authenticate(self, request):
+ """ See IAuthenticationService. """
+ for ps_key, ps in self.items():
+ loginView = queryView(ps, "login", request)
+ if loginView is not None:
+ principal = loginView.authenticate()
+ if principal is not None:
+ id = '\t'.join((self.earmark, ps_key,
+ str(principal.getId())))
+ return PrincipalWrapper(principal, self, id=id)
+ next = queryNextService(self, Authentication, None)
+ if next is not None:
+ return next.authenticate(request)
+ return None
+ authenticate = ContextMethod(authenticate)
+ def unauthenticatedPrincipal(self):
+ """ See IAuthenticationService. """
+ return None # XXX Do we need to implement or use another?
+ def unauthorized(self, id, request):
+ """ See IAuthenticationService. """
+ next = queryNextService(self, Authentication, None)
+ if next is not None:
+ return next.unauthorized(id, request)
+ return None
+ unauthorized = ContextMethod(unauthorized)
+ def getPrincipal(self, id):
+ """ See IAuthenticationService.
+ For this implementation, an 'id' is a string which can be
+ split into a 3-tuple by splitting on newline characters. The
+ three tuple consists of (auth_service_earmark,
+ principal_source_id, principal_id).
+ """
+ next = None
+ try:
+ auth_svc_earmark, principal_src_id, principal_id = id.split('\t',2)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError):
+ auth_svc_earmark, principal_src_id, principal_id = None, None, None
+ next = queryNextService(self, Authentication, None)
+ if auth_svc_earmark != self.earmark:
+ next = queryNextService(self, Authentication, None)
+ if next is not None:
+ return next.getPrincipal(id)
+ source = self.get(principal_src_id)
+ if source is None:
+ raise NotFoundError
+ p = source.getPrincipal(principal_id)
+ return PrincipalWrapper(p, self, id=id)
+ getPrincipal = ContextMethod(getPrincipal)
+ def getPrincipals(self, name):
+ """ See IAuthenticationService. """
+ for ps_key, ps in self.items():
+ for p in ps.getPrincipals(name):
+ id = '\t'.join((self.earmark, ps_key, str(p.getId())))
+ yield PrincipalWrapper(p, self, id=id)
+ next = queryNextService(self, Authentication, None)
+ if next is not None:
+ for p in next.getPrincipals(name):
+ yield p
+ getPrincipals = ContextMethod(getPrincipals)
+ def addPrincipalSource(self, id, principal_source):
+ """ See IPluggableAuthenticationService.
+ >>> pas = PluggableAuthenticationService()
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> pas.addPrincipalSource('simple', sps)
+ >>> sps2 = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> pas.addPrincipalSource('not_quite_so_simple', sps2)
+ >>> pas.keys()
+ ['simple', 'not_quite_so_simple']
+ """
+ if not IReadPrincipalSource.isImplementedBy(principal_source):
+ raise TypeError("Source must implement IReadPrincipalSource")
+ self.setObject(id, principal_source)
+ def removePrincipalSource(self, id):
+ """ See IPluggableAuthenticationService.
+ >>> pas = PluggableAuthenticationService()
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> pas.addPrincipalSource('simple', sps)
+ >>> sps2 = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> pas.addPrincipalSource('not_quite_so_simple', sps2)
+ >>> sps3 = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> pas.addPrincipalSource('simpler', sps3)
+ >>> pas.keys()
+ ['simple', 'not_quite_so_simple', 'simpler']
+ >>> pas.removePrincipalSource('not_quite_so_simple')
+ >>> pas.keys()
+ ['simple', 'simpler']
+ """
+ del self[id]
+class BTreePrincipalSource(Persistent):
+ """An efficient, scalable provider of Authentication Principals."""
+ implements(ILoginPasswordPrincipalSource, IPrincipalSource,
+ IContainerNamesContainer)
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._principals_by_number = IOBTree()
+ self._numbers_by_login = OIBTree()
+ # IContainer-related methods
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ """ See IContainer.
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('fred', 'fred', '123')
+ >>> sps.setObject('fred', prin)
+ 'fred'
+ >>> int(sps.get('fred') == prin)
+ 1
+ >>> del sps['fred']
+ >>> int(sps.get('fred') == prin)
+ 0
+ """
+ number = self._numbers_by_login[key]
+ del self._principals_by_number[number]
+ del self._numbers_by_login[key]
+ def setObject(self, id, object):
+ """ See IContainerNamesContainer
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('gandalf', 'shadowfax')
+ >>> dummy = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin)
+ >>> sps.get('doesntmatter')
+ """
+ store = self._principals_by_number
+ key = gen_key()
+ while not store.insert(key, object):
+ key = gen_key()
+ object.id = key
+ self._numbers_by_login[object.login] = key
+ return object.login
+ def keys(self):
+ """ See IContainer.
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> sps.keys()
+ []
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('arthur', 'tea')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin)
+ >>> sps.keys()
+ ['arthur']
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('ford', 'towel')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin)
+ >>> sps.keys()
+ ['arthur', 'ford']
+ """
+ return list(self._numbers_by_login.keys())
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """ See IContainer.
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> sps.keys()
+ []
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('trillian', 'heartOfGold')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin)
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('zaphod', 'gargleblaster')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin)
+ >>> [i for i in sps]
+ ['trillian', 'zaphod']
+ """
+ return iter(self.keys())
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """ See IContainer
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('gag', 'justzisguy')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin)
+ >>> sps['gag'].login
+ 'gag'
+ """
+ number = self._numbers_by_login[key]
+ return self._principals_by_number[number]
+ def get(self, key, default=None):
+ """ See IContainer
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal(1, 'slartibartfast', 'fjord')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('slartibartfast', prin)
+ >>> principal = sps.get('slartibartfast')
+ >>> sps.get('marvin', 'No chance, dude.')
+ 'No chance, dude.'
+ """
+ try:
+ number = self._numbers_by_login[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ return default
+ return self._principals_by_number[number]
+ def values(self):
+ """ See IContainer.
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> sps.keys()
+ []
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('arthur', 'tea')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin)
+ >>> [user.login for user in sps.values()]
+ ['arthur']
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('ford', 'towel')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin)
+ >>> [user.login for user in sps.values()]
+ ['arthur', 'ford']
+ """
+ return [self._principals_by_number[n]
+ for n in self._numbers_by_login.values()]
+ def __len__(self):
+ """ See IContainer
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> int(len(sps) == 0)
+ 1
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal(1, 'trillian', 'heartOfGold')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('trillian', prin)
+ >>> int(len(sps) == 1)
+ 1
+ """
+ return len(self._principals_by_number)
+ def items(self):
+ """ See IContainer.
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> sps.keys()
+ []
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('zaphod', 'gargleblaster')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin)
+ >>> [(k, v.login) for k, v in sps.items()]
+ [('zaphod', 'zaphod')]
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('marvin', 'paranoid')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin)
+ >>> [(k, v.login) for k, v in sps.items()]
+ [('marvin', 'marvin'), ('zaphod', 'zaphod')]
+ """
+ # We're being expensive here (see values() above) for convenience
+ return [(p.login, p) for p in self.values()]
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ """ See IContainer.
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> prin = SimplePrincipal('slinkp', 'password')
+ >>> key = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin)
+ >>> int('slinkp' in sps)
+ 1
+ >>> int('desiato' in sps)
+ 0
+ """
+ return self._numbers_by_login.has_key(key)
+ has_key = __contains__
+ # PrincipalSource-related methods
+ def getPrincipal(self, id):
+ """ See IReadPrincipalSource.
+ 'id' is the id as returned by principal.getId(),
+ not a login.
+ """
+ try:
+ id = int(id)
+ except TypeError:
+ raise NotFoundError
+ try:
+ return self._principals_by_number[id]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise NotFoundError
+ def getPrincipals(self, name):
+ """ See IReadPrincipalSource.
+ >>> sps = BTreePrincipalSource()
+ >>> prin1 = SimplePrincipal('gandalf', 'shadowfax')
+ >>> dummy = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin1)
+ >>> prin1 = SimplePrincipal('frodo', 'ring')
+ >>> dummy = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin1)
+ >>> prin1 = SimplePrincipal('pippin', 'pipe')
+ >>> dummy = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin1)
+ >>> prin1 = SimplePrincipal('sam', 'garden')
+ >>> dummy = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin1)
+ >>> prin1 = SimplePrincipal('merry', 'food')
+ >>> dummy = sps.setObject('doesntmatter', prin1)
+ >>> [p.login for p in sps.getPrincipals('a')]
+ ['gandalf', 'sam']
+ >>> [p.login for p in sps.getPrincipals('')]
+ ['frodo', 'gandalf', 'merry', 'pippin', 'sam']
+ >>> [p.login for p in sps.getPrincipals('sauron')]
+ []
+ """
+ for k in self.keys():
+ if k.find(name) != -1:
+ yield self[k]
+ def authenticate(self, login, password):
+ """ See ILoginPasswordPrincipalSource. """
+ number = self._numbers_by_login.get(login)
+ if number is None:
+ return
+ user = self._principals_by_number[number]
+ if user.validate(password):
+ return user
+class SimplePrincipal(Persistent):
+ """A no-frills IUserSchemafied implementation."""
+ implements(IUserSchemafied)
+ def __init__(self, login, password, title='', description=''):
+ self.id = ''
+ self.login = login
+ self.password = password
+ self.title = title
+ self.description = description
+ def getId(self):
+ """ See IPrincipal. """
+ return self.id
+ def getTitle(self):
+ """ See IPrincipal. """
+ return self.title
+ def getDescription(self):
+ """ See IPrincipal. """
+ return self.description
+ def getLogin(self):
+ """ See IReadUser. """
+ return self.login
+ def validate(self, test_password):
+ """ See IReadUser.
+ >>> pal = SimplePrincipal('gandalf', 'shadowfax', 'The Grey Wizard',
+ ... 'Cool old man with neato fireworks. '
+ ... 'Has a nice beard.')
+ >>> int(pal.validate('shdaowfax'))
+ 0
+ >>> int(pal.validate('shadowfax'))
+ 1
+ """
+ return test_password == self.password
+class PrincipalAuthenticationView:
+ implements(IViewFactory)
+ def __init__(self, context, request):
+ self.context = context
+ self.request = request
+ def authenticate(self):
+ for interface in (ILoginPassword,):
+ a = queryAdapter(self.request, interface, None)
+ if a is None:
+ return
+ login = a.getLogin()
+ password = a.getPassword()
+ p = self.context.authenticate(login, password)
+ return p
+class PrincipalWrapper(Wrapper):
+ """ A wrapper for a principal as returned from the authentication
+ service. The id of the principal as returned by the wrapper is
+ a three-tuple instead of the integer id returned by the simple
+ principal."""
+ def getId(self):
+ """ Return the id as passed in to the wrapper """
+ return getWrapperData(self)['id']
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/pluggableauth/configure.zcml 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null Mon Jun 23 18:46:48 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/pluggableauth/configure.zcml Mon Jun 23 18:46:17 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<zopeConfigure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+ xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser">
+<content class=".PluggableAuthenticationService">
+ <factory
+ id="zope.app.services.PluggableAuthenticationService"
+ permission="zope.ManageServices"
+ />
+ <require
+ permission="zope.ManageServices"
+ interface="
+ zope.app.interfaces.services.pluggableauth.IPluggableAuthenticationService"
+ />
+ <allow
+ interface="zope.app.interfaces.container.IReadContainer"
+ />
+ <require
+ permission="zope.ManageServices"
+ interface="zope.app.interfaces.container.IWriteContainer"
+ />
+ <require
+ permission="zope.ManageServices"
+ interface="zope.app.interfaces.container.IAddNotifiable"
+ />
+ <require
+ permission="zope.ManageServices"
+ interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.service.ISimpleService"
+ />
+<content class=".BTreePrincipalSource">
+ <factory
+ id="zope.app.principalsources.BTreePrincipalSource"
+ permission="zope.ManageServices"
+ />
+ <allow
+ interface="zope.app.interfaces.container.IReadContainer"
+ />
+ <require
+ permission="zope.ManageServices"
+ interface="zope.app.interfaces.container.IWriteContainer"
+ />
+ <require
+ permission="zope.ManageServices"
+ interface="
+ zope.app.interfaces.services.pluggableauth.IWritePrincipalSource"
+ />
+ <allow
+ interface="
+ zope.app.interfaces.services.pluggableauth.IReadPrincipalSource"
+ />
+<content class=".SimplePrincipal">
+ <factory
+ id="zope.app.principals.SimplePrincipal"
+ permission="zope.ManageServices"
+ />
+ <allow
+ interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.pluggableauth.IUserSchemafied"
+ />
+ <require
+ permission="zope.ManageServices"
+ set_schema="zope.app.interfaces.services.pluggableauth.IUserSchemafied"
+ />
+ name="login"
+ for="zope.app.interfaces.services.pluggableauth.IPrincipalSource"
+ class="zope.app.services.pluggableauth.PrincipalAuthenticationView"
+ permission="zope.Public"
+/> <!-- XXX why do we need a permission? -->