[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/isarsprint-dav-work/src/zope/app/dav/propfind.py Condense the DOM code somewhat; only store DOM Nodes in local variables when we

Martijn Pieters mj at zopatista.com
Mon Oct 11 05:02:50 EDT 2004

Log message for revision 27942:
  Condense the DOM code somewhat; only store DOM Nodes in local variables when we
  are actually going to use those variables seriously.

  U   Zope3/branches/isarsprint-dav-work/src/zope/app/dav/propfind.py

Modified: Zope3/branches/isarsprint-dav-work/src/zope/app/dav/propfind.py
--- Zope3/branches/isarsprint-dav-work/src/zope/app/dav/propfind.py	2004-10-11 08:13:03 UTC (rev 27941)
+++ Zope3/branches/isarsprint-dav-work/src/zope/app/dav/propfind.py	2004-10-11 09:02:50 UTC (rev 27942)
@@ -73,10 +73,8 @@
         re = response.createElement('response')
-        href = response.createElement('href')
-        re.appendChild(href)
-        r_url = response.createTextNode(resource_url)
-        href.appendChild(r_url)
+        re.appendChild(response.createElement('href'))
+        re.lastChild.appendChild(response.createTextNode(resource_url))
         _avail_props = {}
         # List all *registered* DAV interface namespaces and their properties
@@ -102,14 +100,12 @@
         avail, not_avail = self._propertyResolver(_props)
         if avail:
-            pstat = response.createElement('propstat')
-            re.appendChild(pstat)
+            re.appendChild(response.createElement('propstat'))
             prop = response.createElement('prop')
-            pstat.appendChild(prop)
-            status = response.createElement('status')
-            pstat.appendChild(status)
-            text = response.createTextNode('HTTP/1.1 200 OK')
-            status.appendChild(text)
+            re.lastChild.appendChild(prop)
+            re.lastChild.appendChild(response.createElement('status'))
+            re.lastChild.lastChild.appendChild(
+                response.createTextNode('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'))
             count = 0
             for ns in avail.keys():
                 attr_name = 'a%s' % count
@@ -163,14 +159,12 @@
         if not_avail:
-            pstat = response.createElement('propstat')
-            re.appendChild(pstat)
+            re.appendChild(response.createElement('propstat'))
             prop = response.createElement('prop')
-            pstat.appendChild(prop)
-            status = response.createElement('status')
-            pstat.appendChild(status)
-            text = response.createTextNode('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found')
-            status.appendChild(text)
+            re.lastChild.appendChild(prop)
+            re.lastChild.appendChild(response.createElement('status'))
+            re.lastChild.lastChild.appendChild(
+                response.createTextNode('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'))
             count = 0
             for ns in not_avail.keys():
                 attr_name = 'a%s' % count
@@ -228,10 +222,9 @@
         return _props
     def _handlePropname(self, response, re, _avail_props):
-        pstat = response.createElement('propstat')
-        re.appendChild(pstat)
+        re.appendChild(response.createElement('propstat'))
         prop = response.createElement('prop')
-        pstat.appendChild(prop)
+        re.lastChild.appendChild(prop)
         count = 0
         for ns in _avail_props.keys():
             attr_name = 'a%s' % count
@@ -243,10 +236,9 @@
                 if ns is not None and ns != self.default_ns:
                     el.setAttribute('xmlns', attr_name)
-        status = response.createElement('status')
-        pstat.appendChild(status)
-        text = response.createTextNode('HTTP/1.1 200 OK')
-        status.appendChild(text)
+        re.lastChild.appendChild(response.createElement('status'))
+        re.lastChild.lastChild.appendChild(
+            response.createTextNode('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'))
     def _propertyResolver(self, _props):
         avail = {}

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