[Zope3-dev] Zope3 LifeCycle Events

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 09:56:12 -0500

Steve Alexander wrote:
> THoffman@indtech.wa.gov.au wrote:
>> Surely a goal of z3 should be the ability to refresh non core
>> products, as in the Product Refresh in Z2, I would also go as far
>> as to suggest that adding a new non core product or it's equivalent
>> should also not necessitate a restart
>> Is this not possible ?
>> At least we should be able to say
>> Follow the following rules and this product can be refreshable and/or
>> addable without a server restart.
> Adding and removing and changing the configuration of filesystem 
> products will require a restart.
> You'll be able to add and remove and change and alter the configuration 
> of products that are loaded into persistent modules, all without any 
> kind of restart. These persistent modules will also work over ZEO, so 
> this will greatly ease product deployment over ZEO.

Good point, Steve.  If persistent modules work at all (and there are 
good signs that they will), they will replace 90% of the need for 
"refreshing" filesystem code, at the same time working much more 
reliably.  Wow. :-)
