[Zope3-dev] Zope X3.1.0 Release TODO list

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Fri Dec 3 15:33:52 EST 2004

Hello everyone,

I have started preparing the Zope X3.1.0 release. We hope to be in the beta 
phase of this release in January. Some exciting new features and 
restructuring include:

- The new pluggable authentication service including some very nice plugins
- Sources, which will be a replacement for vocabularies
- APIdoc can now interpret your specific 3rd party prackage as well.
- More CA simplifications: BrowserMenu, Presentation, and Service Service are 
- New Message implementation in C.

However, we are not done with the features nor fixing the bugs. Here is a list 
of items that have to be completed, before I will make a branch. Please let 
me know, if I forgot soemthing.


- Finish simplification of component architecture.
  o Convert services to utilities (Stephan)

- Finish new Message support (Phillip)

- Fix final issues relating the new PAS and related UIs

- The API Doc Tool needs to be updated to reflect latest design changes
  o Better support for multi-adapters
  o Presentation components are now just adapters
  o Services will be utilities

- Support for iterable sources

- Issue 292: Add factory to browser:resource directive 

- Issue 295: Sort out defaultView 

- Issue 297: Using class as localUtility 

- Issue 309: <schemadisplay> should support <widget>


- Remove XXX comments
  o FTP interfaces (Stephan)

- Ensure backward compatibility
  o Run book sources against source tree (Stephan and Phillip)

- Make sure that all deprecation warnings are raised
  o old pluggable authentication service should be deprecated

Bug Fixes

* 284: Bogus 404 errors with TALES traversal fails 
* 287: Active ftp seems broken 
* 288: IE xmltree.js line 225 error 
* 293: SequenceWidget and CustomWidgetFactory 
* 296: missing display widgets 
* 298: Role/permission title and description should be messageids
* 301: Bug with i18n:name and i18n:translate on the same element 
* 302: File objects can't contain non-ascii characters
* 304: Slash involve dbname 
* 305: system error Translations/"Edit Messages" (Stephan)
* 306: page/view-menu-layer configuration
* 307: browser:addMenuItem and broken view references
* 310: Two test failures under Python 2.4 (Stephan)
* 313: importchecker.py ignores assignment to module attributes 
* 314: i18n:translate removes line breaks from <pre>...</pre> contents
* 316: Zope3X test.py truncates path with dir=
* 317: Relative links don't work in Page Template
* 319: Navigation with anonymous
* 321: TravelsalError after renaming or moving Sites with local services 
* 323: Permission zope.Public in addfrom does not work
* 329: apidoc + TAL (Stephan)

Bugs starting with * represent bugs that must be fixed for the 3.0.x branch as

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training

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