[Zope3-dev] question about bug in zope3 book. chapter 13.3

Dan Shidlovsky dddwd at gala.net
Sun Dec 5 17:25:46 EST 2004

I got error when  try example from Zope3DevBook - Message Board :

zope.configuration.config.ConfigurationConflictsError: Conflicting 
configuration actions
For: ('protectName', <class 'book.messageboard.message.Message'>, 
File configure.zcml. In <content class = ".message.Message"> directive.

After this, I fetch interface.py from http://svn.zopr.org/book...
And find diff. In SVN (as against book)  class IMessage(Interface) has no method
__setitem__. Line 13 and 14 in interfaces.py 

Now, without this lines all work OK. Why?

PS. It can be necessary to add bug in Collector? 

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