[Zope3-dev] Portlets vs Pagelets

Florent Guillaume fg at nuxeo.com
Wed Dec 8 11:51:18 EST 2004

I should point out that Jean-Marc's excellent CPSSkins also works with
Plone, for the Plonistas that want to try it and have an idea what it is


In article <41B5FD69.9060709 at ita.chalmers.se> you write:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> > Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
> > ...
> >
> >> The problems raised in these goals are easily solved if the logic is 
> >> moved to python and why would you want to hard-code a UI? I am more 
> >> inclined to a Visual (C++, Basic) approach with UI widgets assembled 
> >> together than using some hardcoded template no matter if it is a 
> >> webpage that is being designed or a portal. I am sure that some users 
> >> need to update the webpage without having to learn page templates, 
> >> don't they?
> >
> >
> > FWIW (and so you don't have to keep repeating yourself ;), I think
> > you're on the right track.
> >
> OK :-) I thought the old approach was still somehow being advocated.
> > Perhaps you might want to make some specific proposals, based on your
> > experience with CPS Skins.
> >
> > Jim
> >
> My experience with the work that I am currently doing for the 
> university, to compare with the use cases listed on the Wiki is the 
> following.
> - the university hires a design agency and explains the function that 
> the site should fulfill with a list of the various target groups
> - a web design agency creates screens in pdf (mock-up)
> - web designers create dummy content with CPS3 (tree-like sections and 
> publish documents in the sections)
> - first implementation with CPSSkins (prototype  - 1 or 2 days of work)
> - the design (theme) is applied on the content - the first variation had 
> 10 different themes.
> - test with real users (10 - 20 users) on a test instance (no 
> optimization, caching is necessary)
> - feedback from the users about the colors, layout, etc...
> - adjustments: the web agency create a new design based on the feedback 
> from the test users, etc.
>   uses the live prototype as a basis for the new design. The new version 
> is accepted after some modifications, a new PDF is created.
> - second implementation with CPSSkins - this time with the exact colors, 
> exact page layout, etc.
>   the workflow is: create the palettes (colors, borders) > upload the 
> icons/images > create the styles > create the layout > add templets to 
> the layout > add page slots > add portlets > you have a theme
>   the same theme is then duplicated into different flavours (front page, 
> second-level pages, variations on colors, etc..). XML import/ export 
> works too for palettes, styles, images...
> - the themes are installed on a beta site (profiled, optimized), then 
> placed on a production server.
> the advantage is that CPSSkins is used for prototyping, for design, for 
> testing and for production so there is no conversion from PDF to HTML to 
> ZPT. No programming is required, and for special things we use the 
> 'Custom Portlet' that can render any page template (in 
> portal_skins/custom/) which makes testing very easy. It also makes it 
> easier for the design agency to see a design in action early in the process.
> regards /JM
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Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of R&D
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