[Zope3-dev] browser:form directive (was: There's something wrong with having message ids in schemas)

Gary Poster gary at zope.com
Thu Dec 9 11:00:11 EST 2004

I also have a version of the form machinery that includes not only a 
base form directive but also innovations like formpatterns--form 
macros, basically--multiple configurable buttons, and maybe some other 
features I forget.  It was developed, in part, to make zcml 
configuration (and mass *changes*) of multiple forms easier; and in 
part to bring power similar to CMFFormController to Zope 3 forms in a 
fairly straightforward way.  It's for our Zope 2 + Zope 3 efforts 
(which will migrate to Zope 3 or Five eventually) and so the code is 
based off of an old Zope 3 and also has some Zope 2-isms.  Interfaces 
and ideas are probably of most interest.

As I had mentioned to Stephan months ago, I was to have ported this to 
an open-source package usable with Zope 3 core; but this has not been 
assigned as a priority yet.  ZC is still planning on porting some or 
all of this when we have the time.  There are no hard dates or hard 
plans right now, so I don't advise holding your breath, and I would 
encourage alternate efforts.

If anyone is interested to see this for ideas, or to discuss use cases, 
ideas, and approaches, I can share some examples, some code, and some 
time.  Here's some zcml snippets for interested folks to ponder, for 

   these are the three default patterns for the edit, display, and add 

   the id in a formpattern is a token specified in the pattern attribute 
of a form.
   It follows the usual Zope 3 zcml id convention of being a Python path 
to the
   pertinent package.

   formpatterns themselves can specify a pattern attribute to base one
   formpattern off another.

   A button's action is a method that must be available on the view 
class.  Button
   declarations can have permissions, TALES guards, and categories (not 
   in these examples).  Labels are i18n-aware, the way you'd expect.
     label="Edit ${title} Properties">
     <zope2:button label="Save changes" action="attempt_commit"
                   permission="Modify portal content" />

     label="${title} Overview" />

     label="Add ${title}">
     <zope2:button label="Add" action="attempt_commit"
                   permission="Add portal content" />
     <zope2:button label="Cancel" action="perform_cancel" permission="" 

zcml for an edit, add, or display just specifies the pattern and 
overrides what they need, usually simplifying zcml significantly.  We 
also have a container tag that specifies shared configuration (schema 
and field order, for instance) and can contain multiple add, edit, and 
display tags, further simplifying the form tags themselves. For 

<typeinfo xmlns='http://namespaces.zope.org/zope2' name="Image"
     content_factory="my_package.image.Image" title="Image"
         "Image content objects that support version control"
     permission="Add portal content"
     fields="title description mime_type filename width
             height creator creation_date modifier modified_date">
   <add pattern="my_package.upload_add"
        omit_fields="creator creation_date modifier modified_date siteurl
                     filename mime_type width height"/>
   <edit pattern="my_package.default_edit"
         omit_fields="creator creation_date modifier modified_date 
                      filename mime_type" />
   <edit pattern="my_package.default_related"
         fields="embedded_media related links" name="related.html"/>
   <display pattern="my_package.default_display"/>
   <!-- we put CMF actions here; menu configurations might go here in 
Zope 3 -->

zcml for an arbitrary non-add-edit-or-display form that happens to use 
one of these macros is this (notice the TALES guard condition for the 
button, btw, and the view class that customizes
what the attempt_commit action (==method) does):

<form xmlns='http://namespaces.zope.org/zope2'
         <button label="Change" action="attempt_commit"
             condition="adapted/choices" />

To repeat, our code for this is likely not of significant interest; 
ideas, and maybe meta zcml interfaces, may be of interest; and if no 
one addresses this, ZC will eventually want it, I think.

But meanwhile, I say, go thou and improve! :-)  Hope this helps.


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