[Zope3-dev] Zope 3 on Windows - Python2.4

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 10:31:24 EST 2004

[E. Frerich <e.frerich at nord-com.net>]
> I assume we need new pyd-files for using Zope 3 with python 2.4.
> Is my assumption correct?

Yes, and on Windows different .pyd files are needed every time
Python's minor version number (the "j" in "i.j.k") changes.  That's
especially crucial this time, since 2.4 uses a different compiler and
platform C runtime library on Windows than Pythons before 2.4.
> Can you please give us these pyd-files?

Zope Corp doesn't support Python 2.4 yet, and it's still the case that
some Zope3 tests fail under 2.4.  So you're on your own if you use
this:  get Zope3-Py2.4-pyd.zip from


These tests fail; there's already a Collector issue open about these:

SkinDocumentation (zope.app.apidoc.viewmodule)
getSkins (zope.app.apidoc.viewmodule.browser.SkinLayer)

If you bump into other new-with-2.4 problems, it would really help to
open Collector issues about them:


Have fun!

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