[Zope3-dev] z3c.widget(.tiny) widget available to easy_install anywhere?

Fred Drake fdrake at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 14:04:27 EDT 2007

On 4/20/07, David Pratt <fairwinds at eastlink.ca> wrote:
> I am not sure why there are two resources for obtaining eggs myself, not
> sure if it is because pipy gets busy. Should the default be pipy or will
> this slow buildouts? Maybe all packages could be put there in any case
> even if primary dependency link for zope packages is download.zope.org.

Performance is certainly one reason; PyPI gets its share of aggressive crawlers.

Another issue is that PyPI isn't all that interesting for deploying
production applications; we need to be able to rely on getting the
same set of releases when re-deploying, and we can't do that if
someone else is able to hide/remove releases (or the associated
downloads), so for longer-term reliability, we all need to maintain a
repository of at least the things we expect to be able to get again.

> pipy already has the infrastructure for some proper searching and
> management for package maintainers - so not sure that the wheel needs to
> be invented.

For one, "setup.py register" shouldn't always hide other releases; it
should be possible to configure that on the client side.  Yes, it's
possible to have multiple releases visible now, but PyPI makes it
unnecessarily tedious.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at gmail.com>
"Chaos is the score upon which reality is written." --Henry Miller

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