[Zope3-Users] Re: Blobs in Z3 anyone?

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Wed Apr 19 23:35:47 EDT 2006

On Apr 19, 2006, at 10:28 PM, David Pratt wrote:

> Hi Chris. This is great. I was going to ask Philipp about streaming  
> but thought once I had contacted you I would ask you since this is  
> an important part of large file handling. Can you tell me how far  
> along the ZODB blob support has advanced? Where is the project is  
> located? I am keen on how objects will use blob storage direct with  
> ZODB. I have been working with PGStorage and as an alternate  
> backend to ZODB. I will be interested to see how blob storage will  
> be handled selectively.

The zodb code is on the blob-merge-branch of ZODB in Zope's  
subversion repository.  I'm not sure when it's going to land in an  
actual ZODB release.  I'm fighting a bunch  of fires at the moment  
and it's on the backburner as a result. :-(

> In building a repository product for Z2, I was concerned about the  
> number of objects per folder so it automatically generated new  
> folders for storage to keep the number of objects per folder to a  
> max of 5000 since so it is easier for os utilities to handle.

The blob stuff creates a directory hierarchy that should nominally  
prevent "too many" files from ending up in any given directory.

> Should this discussion be moved to a different list?

I think this is fine, although the typical place for ZODB discussion  
is zodb-dev.

- C

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