[Zope3-Users] Zope 3 Capacities

David Johnson djohnson at jsatech.com
Thu Jan 19 13:26:42 EST 2006

I'm trying to scope out Zope 3's capacities.  Does anyone have a large ZODB?
How big is it (in terms of objects)?  Any performance issues?   Does anyone
have a very high volume site?  What kind of volume with what kind of degree
of application logic?  


What architectural things have affected performance?   I general we're
looking at using an RDBMS, but we're trying to get a better feeling of when
we can use the ZODB and when we should stick to the RDBMS. I like the ZODB
because of it's versioning information in particular.  


We have various datasets:

1.	Transactions: 10-100 billion objects
2.	Users: 10-100 million objects
3.	Contacts: 100,000 objects
4.	Customers: 100-1000 objects




David Johnson

djohnson at jsatech.com

201 Main Street Suite 1320

Fort Worth, TX 76102

(877) 572-8324 x2200


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