[Zope3-Users] searching and relations
Pete Taylor
baldtrol at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 10:21:41 EDT 2006
I've run into a very (very!) similar situation, and ended up writing
some wrapper/simplification utilities for zc.relationship.
zc.relationship is wonderfully powerful, but a bit complex. It's use
is intuitive once you wade through the 2000+ lines of documentation
(which is worthwhile reading), but it's a bit intimidating at first.
I've packaged up my wrapper utilities as a product, and ZPL2.1'd the
code. If you'd like it, even just for reference, let me know. I
intend to release it more publicly shortly. It implements nice
adapters, so objects implementing a particular marker interface can do
things like:
client = MyClient()
q = IQuestion(obj)
orders = q.ask_as_subject("owns")
['<some.Order object at...>']
you can also build filter functions that take the relationship you're
targeting as an argument, and check any property of the relationship
in question...
let me know if you'd like a copy. if not, then i'd suggest going
through at least the containers.txt in zc.relationship.
as far as the catalog goes, i'd get into using hurry.query as fast as
possible ;)
On 7/21/06, Lorenzo Gil Sanchez <lgs at sicem.biz> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been following recent discussion about relations in Zope. Both
> intrinsic and extrinsic relationships.
> For the following question lets assume we have a IClient and an IOrder
> content types and the IOrder schema has a IClient attribute called 'client'.
> Reading previous messages to this list I understand that's the best way
> to model this kind of intrinsic relationship between an Order and a Client.
> Now the question: using a Catalog, what should I do to answer these kind
> of questions:
> - Give me all orders whose client's name starts with 'John'
> - Give me all orders whose client's age is between 20 and 30
> - Give me all orders for a certain client
> I guess I need to use a special kind of FieldIndex for objects but I'm
> new to the Catalog land and I'm pretty much lost.
> Any help, examples or pointers to detailed doc are greatly appreciated :-)
> Best regards,
> Lorenzo Gil
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