[Zope3-Users] Zope3 winXP service not working

Eusebius zope3 at polardus.org
Fri Jul 28 14:30:20 EDT 2006

Sorry for being unprecise and a bit impatient...
I was working with Zope 3.2.0 / win32 / py2.4 (Zope-3.2.0.win32-py2.4.exe)
The wiki page you point out is the procedure I have followed so far.

UPDATE : I don't know what I have done, but now that I want to get the 
info you're askinf for, it works. End of the story, I guess.

Thank you anyway, and sorry again!

Tim Peters a écrit :
> [Eusebius]
>>> Nobody has encountered this problem before?
>>> Maybe nobody runs Zope on Windows...
> Probably more that nobody else has had a problem here, and can't guess
> exactly what you did.  Testing Zope3 as a Windows service is a normal
> part of the Zope3 release process, as described here:
> http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ComponentArchitecture/ZopeWindowsRelease 
> You didn't say which version of Zope3 you're running, and perhaps
> whoever built that specific Windows release skipped the service
> testing -- can't guess.
> Which version of Zope3?  Exactly what did you do to register & start
> the service?  Are there relevant messages in the instance log?  In the
> Windows System log?  In the Windows Application log?  What happens if
> you follow the instructions in the Wiki page above?
> [Eusebius]
>> I installed Zope3 on a Windows XP machine, and configured it as a
>> service. The service is properly registered, and seems to be
>> starting/stopping normally. Nevertheless it's not working: Zope does
>> not listen on 8080 (no python process listening in a netstat output),
>> or any other port.
>> The Zope3 server, started manually (not as a service), works fine.

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