[Zope3-Users] ForbiddenAttribute

dev at projekt01.ch dev at projekt01.ch
Tue May 16 22:23:48 EDT 2006

Hi Jachim

> ForbiddenAttribute: ('street', <simple_abook.entry.ABookEntry 
> instance at 0x3afa828>)
> class ABookEntryEditView(EditView):
>      __used_for__ = IABookEntry
>      streetAddress_widget = CustomWidgetFactory(ObjectWidget,
> ABookEntry)

Try to use a formlib form with a correct setup.
Or check this part:

>      streetAddress_widget = CustomWidgetFactory(ObjectWidget,
> ABookEntry)

The error above tells you that you try to access the 
street attribute on the ABookEntry instance. But your
interfaces describes that the IStreetAddress implementation which is
stored under the streetAddress provides this attribute.
So I guess there is a problem with the custom widget factory setup.
The rest so far seems Ok to me.

Roger Ineichen

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