[Zope3-Users] win32 setup

Ivan Horvath i.horvath at alco.co.hu
Fri Feb 2 03:00:12 EST 2007

Dear All,

i've downloaded the latest zope version 
how can i customize the installation path? because it is installed on 
the site_packages folder in python/lib folder.

i would prefer to put the complete zope package in a different folder 
outside python, because in this way i can manage the update more precisely.


Best Regards,

Iván Horváth
Chief Programmer

Alcatel NSD
PMS 2000 Product Team

H-1116, Budapest
Kondorfa u. 10.
Tel.: +36 1 209 9546
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E-mail: i.horvath at alco.co.hu <mailto:i.horvath at alco.co.hu>
Check my Web Page <http://www.freeweb.hu/pillesoft>

/Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new./


/Albert Einstein/


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