[Zope3-Users] Re: PT, i18n and dynamic attributes...how to?

Sascha Ottolski sascha.ottolski at lalisio.com
Fri Feb 2 03:59:54 EST 2007

On Friday 02 February 2007 09:35:58 Alex Furlong wrote:
> >I'm wondering if there is a proper solution to a common problem:
> >translating a page template with dynamic attributes. If I put something
> >like ...
> You probably want to look at i18n:attribute and i18n:name for the
> translation of dynamic content.
> Here is a page with some examples.
> http://www.upfrontsystems.co.za/Members/jean/mysite-i18n
> The examples are Plone oriented but you should be able to extract the
> things you need.

thanks a lot, but still: if I'm not blind, there is no concrete example that 
would cleanly solve my case. I don't want to translate an attribute, thats 
straight forward. 

I have a href attributes, that need to be computed dynamic, while the content 
of the <a> tag is part of a bigger piece thats is to be translated as 
a "sentence". I'm looking for an equivalent markup to express

    msgid="Hi, please <a href=\"${click_url}\">click</a> here!"

in a page template, i.e. something close to

    <p i18n:translate="">
      Hi, please <a tal:attributes="href view/click_url">click</a> here!

I admit that I might be just too dumb to see the obvious :-(

Cheers, Sascha

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