[Zope3-Users] Support for components and interfaces in Python 2.5

Nate Lowrie solodex2151 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 17:07:24 EDT 2008

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 2:35 PM, Benji York <benji at zope.com> wrote:
> Nate Lowrie wrote:
>  > Long time python programmer.  New to Zope.  I want to use Zope 3's
>  > component and interface libraries for a plugin system for a rather
>  > complex Accounting/ERP program I am developing.  I was extremely
>  > dismayed when I found absolutely no support for Python 2.5.
>  You're misinformed.  Almost all of "Zope 3" works with Python 2.5.
>  Specifically it sounds like you're interested in zope.interface and
>  zope.component, both of which work fine with 2.5.  For a
>  project-by-project listing, see
>  http://wiki.zope.org/zope3/ModuleImplementationStatus.

Well, thanks for correcting me.  I am glad that I was mis-informed...

>  > What is
>  > going on?  Python 2.5 has been released for almost a year now and
>  > porting hasn't been done yet?
>  Almost all of the individual packages have been ported at this point.
>  I'm not sure as to the status of RestrictedPython, but it doesn't sound
>  like you want to use it anyway.
>  --
>  Benji York
>  Senior Software Engineer
>  Zope Corporation

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