[ZPT] [Weakness] Nested macros reference points
Dieter Maurer
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 18:59:06 +0200 (CEST)
Sure, macros should not be developed monolitically!
They need to support composition out of macro components.
We want macro libraries...
Currently, this is quite difficult with METAL:
The reference for "metal:use-macro" *inside* a macro
definition often needs to be the ZPT defining the
macro and not that of the ZPT using the outer macro.
Assume, I want to build a template library, with
different headings and page styles.
I would like something like that:
<XXX metal:define-macro="StandardPage">
<YYYY metal:use-macro="container/Headings/macros/StandardHeading" />
Unfortunately, this reference will usually not reference
the "Headings" ZPT beside "Pages" but use the context
of the "StandardPage" using ZPT.
To make it work, I have to use the access path from
the using ZPT. This severely hampers compositionality.
This has been discussed before.
Evan suggested to provide an additional context for macro
This message is just to stress, that the current state is
a major weakness.