[ZPT] PageTemplateFile s and product attributes

Clemens Robbenhaar zpt@zope.org
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 20:36:59 +0100

Hi Troy,
 > Yep, the zpt below is a PageTemplateFile.  If I copy the code below into 
 > a ZODB template (Add Page Template), the added template works as 
 > expected.  It is as though my PageTemplateFile is not accepting my Role 
 > as Manager...  I'll let you know if I come up with a solution.

I am very sorry, but I cannot reproduce Your problem.

I have added a PageTemplateFile just like the one You send there
(using a dummy macro for manage_minimal_template containing little else
but a "main"-slot).

 The template prints the url to the icon, expected. There are no
authorization failures. If I access the page unauthorized, I just get
the usual error page, but nothing deeply nested in the page template
rendering accessing "icon". 

 Anyway accessing the icon should be possible even with anonymous
access. (Tested this with the ZODB version of the PT -- I can access this
even unauthorized.)

 I have tested with both 2.5.1 and 2.6.0.

 Maybe the reason is due to some obscure initialization problem with your
product or something like that? What kind of authorization did You use?
I have tested only with the standard acl_users folder.