[ZPT] PageTemplateFile s and product attributes
Troy Farrell
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 15:41:22 -0600
Ding, ding, ding. Give the man a cookie.
As I have learned, don't be stingy with your product's base classes
like, oh, well, OFS.SimpleItem.Item.
That solved it. Thanks for your effort.
Does this goose chase mean I get to appear in ZWN for doing stupid
things? :)
Clemens Robbenhaar wrote:
> Hi Troy,
> > Yep, the zpt below is a PageTemplateFile. If I copy the code below into
> > a ZODB template (Add Page Template), the added template works as
> > expected. It is as though my PageTemplateFile is not accepting my Role
> > as Manager... I'll let you know if I come up with a solution.
> >
> I am very sorry, but I cannot reproduce Your problem.
> I have added a PageTemplateFile just like the one You send there
> (using a dummy macro for manage_minimal_template containing little else
> but a "main"-slot).
> The template prints the url to the icon, expected. There are no
> authorization failures. If I access the page unauthorized, I just get
> the usual error page, but nothing deeply nested in the page template
> rendering accessing "icon".
> Anyway accessing the icon should be possible even with anonymous
> access. (Tested this with the ZODB version of the PT -- I can access this
> even unauthorized.)
> I have tested with both 2.5.1 and 2.6.0.
> Maybe the reason is due to some obscure initialization problem with your
> product or something like that? What kind of authorization did You use?
> I have tested only with the standard acl_users folder.
> Regards,
> Clemens