[ZPT] Other "sub-languages" with TAL and METAL
Lalo Martins
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 22:12:52 -0300
One idea that was briefly thrown around Way Back Then (TM) is
that, side by side with TAL and METAL, you could have other
sub-languages, selected by their xml namespaces, eg::
<td tal:repeat="item col" mylib:mystuff="fnordize">
IMHO this hasn't surfaced yet because PT isn't widely adopted
and understood yet, but still it is a reasonable requirement.
Currently, to do that you have to provide your own Parser (with
a lot of code duplicated from TALParser) and Generator (again,
lots of duplicated code) and tweak lots of other places - I'm
not sure TALInterpeter would run seamlessly.
With a half-dozen simple changes, starting by
TALParser.process_ns, this could be abstracted and supported in
a more flexible way. Actually, I think this would be less work
than the work-around alternative above. Then it would be a
matter of subclassing ZopePageTemplate to enable the correct
xmlns set - or perhaps even configuring ZPTs via ZMI.
Is there any good reason to *not* do that changes?
It doesn't bother me that people say things like
"you'll never get anywhere with this attitude".
In a few decades, it will make a good paragraph
in my biography. You know, for a laugh.
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