[ZPT] whitespace

Mark McEahern mark@mceahern.com
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 14:43:15 -0600

[Clemens Robbenhaar [mailto:robbenhaar@espresto.com]]
> Add a dummy tag around the one using for repetition, e.g.
> <tal:block><span tal:repeat="n python:range(3)"
> tal:content="n"></span></tal:block>
> works for me, using Zope2.6.0

That's closer!  Thanks!

However, this:

<!--the following is all one line, but wrapped due to email-->
<tal:block><a tal:repeat="num python:range(10)" tal:attributes="href num"
<!--end of single line-->

now generates this (comments omitted since they lie):

<a href="0">0</a><a href="1">1</a><a href="2">2</a><a
    href="3">3</a><a href="4">4</a><a href="5">5</a><a
    href="6">6</a><a href="7">7</a><a href="8">8</a><a

I looked in TAL/TALInterpreter--is the wrapping a result of
TALInterpreter.__init__(..., wrap=60, ...)?

How could I make that 9999 or something like that without modifying
TALInterpreter (or whatever calls it)?  That is, is there a way to control
that from the PageTemplate?  Something like:

  <tal:block tal:options="wrap 9999">...</...>



// mark
