[ZPT] Using ZPT i18n outside ZPT?

Richard Jones rjones@ekit-inc.com
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 09:42:10 +1100

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 10:28 pm, Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
> > > I would like to know if it's possible to use the ZPT i18n translation
> > > engine outside ZPT. i.e. ideally i'd like to take a TAL-compliant
> > > template which with would have all the extra i18n:translate tags and
> > > from this "meta-template" generate English, French, Spanish, Chinese,
> > > etc. templates.
> >
> > You mean you only want the i18n namespace, and not the tal or metal ones?
> > I don't think it will be possible with the current implementation of ZPT.
> Allright... another question then... is it possible to use ZPT outside
> zope?

Yes, I use ZPT with the Zope baggage removed in Roundup:


I don't have any code handling translations though (I took my ZPT snapshot 
before the i18n work was done *sigh*).
