[ZPT] Mini proposal: repeat-define and repeat-condition

Godefroid Chapelle gotcha@swing.be
Fri, 24 Jan 2003 09:48:34 +0100

At 12:05 23/01/2003, Richard Jones wrote:
>ZPT has been used in delivered systems now. If those systems are to ever
>receive a Zope upgrade (for a critical security or bug fix) then all
>templates in those delivered systems will have to be checked and possibly
>repaired too.

How do I manage to live with different versions of Python (Zope, ZPT, 
.........) ?

If it is a problem to me, I avoid to upgrade and I accept not having access 
to new features.
If I really need those new features, I make the work.

As it can be a big pain if it comes too often, let's avoid to make 
backwards-incompatible changes too often.

What strikes me in this case is that the question IS coming back, so I 
insist the question has to be answered seriously and creatively. This has 
certainly not to be done without enough thinking.

OTH, the answer  "too much work to repair production sites" is NOT enough 
(what would we think if we still would be limited to Python 1.5.2 and DTML 
in Zope ?). If we accept this answer only, we accept that ZPT is perfect 
and that it will never have to change.

We could at the end need a decision of Zope Pope.

I want to stress the fact that we are proposing a 'from __future__ import' 

I want to remember people of Shane' s pipe proposal : 
  which was never really discussed.

>As has been mentioned, this isn't the first time this has come up. People
>didn't feel strongly enough to warrant changing it the first time around, and
>I haven't seen a convincing argument this time around.
>    Richard


Godefroid Chapelle

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