[ZPT] zope objects

James Webster james at xargla.org
Tue May 20 09:27:30 EDT 2003

Please excuse if this isn't the right list for this problem.  It is 
partly a question of most of the documentation still relating to DTML, 
whereas I'm keen to use Page Templates.

I'm working on small app. which starts with a form which allows the user 
to choose some criteria which will form the basis of an SQL method (e.g. 
number of records to select).  I've got the form template working fine 
and an SQL method working as I want it.  However, I need to process the 
parameters passed from the form in a python script.  For example, if the 
user chooses to search for last names, a different SQL method is called 
from when he or she chooses to search for first names.

I think I can write the script (though I'm very much a python and zope 
newbie).  However, I can't quite see how to connect the objects so that 
the process works like this:

form submitted --> script process chooses SQL method to call --> SQL 
method selects data using user criterion --> page template renders data 
from SQL method.

Any ideas?


Dr J Webster

work: jgw at wincoll.ac.uk
pleasure: james at xargla.org

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