[ZPT] Re: zope objects

Evan Simpson evan at 4-am.com
Tue May 20 11:11:43 EDT 2003

James Webster wrote:
> form submitted --> script process chooses SQL method to call --> SQL 
> method selects data using user criterion --> page template renders data 
> from SQL method.

Have the "action" attribute of your form point to the Script.  It might 
look like this:

## Script (Python) "handle_form"

if field1:
    recs = container['query1.sql']()
elif phone:
    recs = container['query2.sql']()

return container['result.zpt'](recs=recs)

You then use tal:repeat="rec options/recs" to iterate over the SQL 
results in the ZPT.  Note that you don't need to explicitly pass the 
form variables to either of the SQL Methods, since they will 
automatically find them in the REQUEST.


Evan @ 4-am

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