[Grok-dev] Re: an outline for the tutorial

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Wed Mar 21 14:11:03 EDT 2007

Fernando Correa Neto wrote:
> We zope users and developers love ZODB, but the fact is that people
> are forced to use RDBs when developing things. I myself feel in
> trouble when I try to sell a ZODB based project imagining how DBAS
> will complain about it since they can't inspect the data through their
> favory query language.

[zodb needs its own zodb.zope.org - agreed, good idea. Now we only need 
someone to write the text and help put it up :)]

> Whant data stored in your old fashion relational database? Here it is how:
> grokproject MyProject --db=mysql://SIN
> grokproject MyProject --db=pgsql://SIN
> grokproject MyProject --db=oradb://SIN
> grokproject MyProject --db=mssql://SIN
> (off course grok can't do this rigth now, but maybe in the future a
> grokker for z3c.sqlalchemy)

We've been thinking about Grok integration for sqlalchemy from the 
start. It's high on my personal wishlist. I agree fully that Grok (and 
Zope) needs a good SQL integration story. Should be added to the 
tutorial as its own chapter, I think, once we have worked out what that 
looks like.

Depending on projects and people to work on it, we will get around to 
it, at some point! :)



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