[ZDP] Re: Réf. : Re: [ZDP] Zbook drafts
Tom Deprez
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 14:52:49 +0100
At 14:28 25/01/2000 +0100, kamon.ayeva@bureauveritas.com wrote:
>>Can you give some more information/example on your suggestions here. I
>>don't fully get it.
>>First this. Is it so that we can have multiple drafts per
>>chapter/subchapter? What then do you mean with drafts? Different versions
>>of the same text or different text? The last one seems strange because a
>>different text should be in it's appropriate chapter/subchapter, not?
>I know it is difficult for me too to understand things.
>I just realized that what we are trying to do is similar to a CVS system.
>So if we agree on this I will try to correct myself here:
>- There is a draft submitted, and users can send comment after reading by
>using a Comment button on the draft page (e.g. at the bottom)
>- 2 days later, the contributor/maintainer after incorporating changes,
>want to submit the next version of his draft. He goes in the
>chapter/subchapter (at the same place) and simply replace the draft by the
>new version.
>- After complete review (including from experts from DC and the community),
>the draft is OK and it's status changes from "Draft" to e.g. "Accepted".
>So I agree that I made a mistake when I mentioned the possibility to see
>multiple drafts of the same document.
>The drafts are listed in a flat view (drafts flat view) as an option to
>allow people to get them without too much clicking.
>Reader can create a comment from the draft's page.
>The drafts are listed in a flat view (drafts flat view) as an option to
>allow people to get them without too much clicking.
>Reader can create a comment from the draft's page.
>>Then :
>>eg. >The drafts are listed in a flat view (drafts flat view) as an option
>>>allow people to get them without too much clicking.
>>Reader can create a comment from the draft's page.
>OK. Finally, I think the current display is fine.
>I have to replay with it today to understand how to add drafts and have
>them visible using the <dtml-var mydraft fmt=structured-text> thing in _a
>few clicks_.
Hope I summarise it ok
We can have 2 ways of input (writer) , we want 1 way of output (reader):
1. Adding draft and always update the contents of the draft.
Comments can be given.
After update, comments need to be removed.
As OUPUT DRAFT is shown
2. Adding multiple drafts, but in this case we mean with draft a new
version of the original draft.
Comments can be given on a draft.
After an update a new draft is created.
New comments can be given to this draft.
Comments & Draft don't need to be removed immediately
Thus we can always look back.
If needed, writers/readers can browse to previous versions (more clicks
I think option 2 has more benefits... Don't you think? Think on multiple
drafts as multiple versions of the same text. You can always go back to the
first draft of the text and it's comments. After you move is to 'ACCEPTED'
you can still delete the drafts and their comments.
So, as I see it now. I think I now understand it fully :
The structure stays just like it is now (like Maik and Kamon designed it).
We allow to have multiple drafts (drafts as just different versions of
text) in a chapter/subchapter.
We only want to reduce the steps to go to the latest update/draft. ie. When
go as reader to a certain chapter, he/she must immediatelly see the latest
update/draft. And only has to click on the comments link to add comments.
If the user wants to see previous drafts, he has to click on drafts to get
into the drafts menu.
Thus we need to find a way to display the latest update/draft and the
accompanied comments.
What do you all think?