SV: [Zope-CMF] Localization

David Pravec
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 15:18:10 +0100

> > Well I have translated a complete CMF site into danish .. some other
> > guys have translated it into french (I think) ... and there could be
> > more people out there.
> I just got a mail from David Pravec who had translated it to czech too...
> When you say "translated a complete CMF site into danish", what do you
> mean? Did you customize the CMFDecor skin, did you change the .pt-files in
> the filesystem or what?

I have translated  (to czech, with Radomil Pelisek's help)
 -   'older' ZPT skins with some small changes in design 
          on the filesystem (to be able to diff) 
 -   some *.py files (usually just the 'def listActions ......' part)

It is not possible to do everything just TTW.... 
I have tried to do it all TTFilesystem.....

           David Pravec

My last mail which I meant to be send to the list (not just to Magnus Heino):
I have translated CMF into czech language, and i am using 
   diff -dur CMF  >
to produce patches. After cvs update, I run
   patch -p 0 -u <CMF_en_to_cz.patch

I have used it few times after updates of cvs archive, with success.

It is possible to translate patches to get another language version, but 
there should be better way of doing this -- not just patchy localization, but 
internacionalization, and it should be part of CMF.

   David Pravec