[Zope-DB] cannot commit and nothing is written
Federico Di Gregorio
15 Oct 2001 10:49:27 +0200
first of all, i think that adapter-specific messages better go to the
adapter mailing list, in that case http://lists.initd.org/. also, the
correct name is psycopg, not pycong. anyway, here's the answer...
On Mon, 2001-10-15 at 10:04, Florian Schuler wrote:
> It seems to work. The Debug message of pycong says:
> [15758] psyco_curs_execute(): operation = >insert into mailingliste
> values
> (11,10,0,'fschuler@braunconsulting.de','fschuler@braunconsulting.de','N/
> A','11.10.2001','16:21:46','Das ist eine TestMassage mit List ID im
> header',1);<
> [15758] psyco_curs_execute(): operation->refcnt = 1
> [15758] _psyco_curs_execute(): connection at 0x81072b0 OK
> [15758] _psyco_curs_execute(): query = >insert into mailingliste values
> (11,10,0,'fschuler@braunconsulting.de','fschuler@braunconsulting.de','N/
> A','11.10.2001','16:21:46','Das ist eine TestMassage mit List ID im
> header',1);<
> [15758] _psyco_curs_execute(): query executed
> [15758] _psyco_curs_execute(): command returned OK (no tuples)
> Traceback (innermost last):
> File "pop.py", line 202, in ?
> c1.commit()
> psycopg.Error: serialized connection: cannot commit on this cursor
you are committing on a _cursor_. the dbapi specifies you should commit
on the _connection_. if you want to use the extended api provided by
psycopg you should use not-serialized connections:
conn = psycopg.connect(DSN, serialize=0)
curs = conn.cursor()
note that if you run single thread or you plan to use just 1 cursor,
using a serialized connection is a little bit faster because involves
less overhead. example:
conn = psycopg.connect(DSN)
curs = conn.cursor()
conn.commit() % conn, not curs!
hope this helps,
Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact fog@debian.org
INIT.D Developer fog@initd.org
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