[Zope-DB] CCSQLMethods
Dieter Maurer
Fri, 14 Feb 2003 19:44:40 +0100
Maciej Wisniowski wrote at 2003-2-14 12:31 +0100:
> ....
> BTW to be able
> to use CCSQLMethods in Zope 2.6 on W2K platform I had to change line 52 in
> "sql.py" file (in CCSQLMethods product) to look like this:
> "manage_main=HTMLFile(os.path.normpath('../ZSQLMethods/dtml/edit'),
> globals())".
Thank you for this tip!
> Another question... I tried to limit the count of retrieved records in query
> with "Maximum rows to retrieve" but... how is it working?? I've set this to
> 10 but query still retruns much more results... Why? What is wrong?
This might be a bug in either "ZCCSQLMethods" or your DA.
ZSQLMethod should pass this parameter to the DA's "query" method.
Check, that it does.
If it does, the fault is with the DA.