[Zope-PAS] local roles plugins

Kapil Thangavelu hazmat at objectrealms.net
Mon Feb 7 17:44:21 EST 2005

hi folks,

i'd like to see a new plugin type for local roles plugins. the major
driving reason is to enable a local roles blocking policy on containers.

i've got a version of it implemented and if its sounds good i'll setup a
pas branch with the code. the implementation patches propertied user and
setups a new plugin type based on the following interface.


class ILocalRolesPlugin( Interface ):
    plugin for determining a user's local roles and object access based 
    on local roles.

    def getRolesInContext( user, object):
        Return the list of roles assigned to the user.

        o Include local roles assigned in context of the passed-in

    def checkLocalRolesAllowed( user, object, object_roles):
        Check whether the user has access to object based
        on local roles. access is determined by a user's local roles
        including one of the object roles.

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