[Zope-PAS] Re: new plugin for global group roles

Kapil Thangavelu hazmat at objectrealms.net
Wed Feb 9 02:24:26 EST 2005

On Feb 8, 2005, at 5:39 AM, Tres Seaver wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Kapil Thangavelu wrote:
> | afaics, the default group usage in pas only augments principal roles
> | with local group roles. at the pas sprint this pas week we put 
> together
> | a role plugin which will assign global roles to a principal based on
> | direct principal grants and group grants.
> I'm missing something here:  where are these grants made?  Here is what
> I think is happening now:
> ~ -  The ZODBRoleManager in Zope2 PAS allows assignment of roles to
> ~    either users or groups (both of which are "principals").

grants would be made in the same place.

> ~ - The RecursiveGroupFolder plugin scribbles a "transitive closure" of
> ~   the user's group memberships onto the user.

sure, for some definition of scribble ;-)

> ~ - Roles (both global and local) assigned either to the user or to one
> ~   of the user's groups are verfiied in the PropertiedUser method
> ~  'allowed'.

this is where things aren't clear. the propertieduser impl of allowed 
checks object access against the assigned roles global roles which does 
not include group->role grants. afaics, groups are only being used when 
local roles are being searched.

> How does your proposed change work with this setup?

exactly the same except that the role manager will do lookup of a 
principal's groups in its principal to role mapping, when retrieving 
principal roles. currently its a straight mapping lookup of a principal 
id to roles.


Kapil Thangavelu <hazmat at objectrealms.net>       Vision Implemented
objectrealms.net <http://www.objectrealms.net>

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