[Zope] Idea: ZTest: Integrated Use-case based web site testin
Alexander Staubo
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 08:53:58 +0200
Aside: Do you really need this within Zope if you can run a ZClient
script with chron? While a scheduler within Zope isn't a bad idea, the
infrastructure -- at least on Unix and NT -- is already there.
Alexander Staubo http://www.mop.no/~alex/
"Give me an underground laboratory, half a dozen atom smashers and a
beautiful girl in a diaphanous veil waiting to be turned into a
chimpanzee, and I care not who writes the nation's laws."
--S. J. Perelman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay, Dylan [mailto:djay@lucent.com]
> Sent: 27. august 1999 03:37
> To: 'zope@zope.org'
> Subject: [Zope] Idea: ZTest: Integrated Use-case based web
> site testing.
> To much caffeine and some morning reading
> (http://www.rational.com/products/rup/prodinfo/whitepapers/dyn
> amic.jtmpl?doc
> _key=101057) has given me a bit of a brainwave.
> When building complex dynamic site testing is very important.
> I've created
> use-cases and test plans for my web-site. I've investigated
> automatic site
> testing tools a little bit but have found them a) expensive
> b) not very good
> when it comes to testing dynamic content and getting past
> authentication.
> What if a Zope site could test it self regularly and just
> mail the webmaster
> when something is wrong?
> So what I envisage is test-case objects that have a specification of a
> certain scenario and expected results. It would be a series
> of URLs with
> parameters to be given and a specification of what the
> requested page should
> look like. Since this is internal to Zope then some
> information about what
> is interesting and what is not can probably be leveraged.
> Such ZTestCase
> objects can be created either by instrumenting the site and
> then the you
> step through the pages or can be edited manually. Specified
> code could be
> executed before and/or after each test case to set and reset test
> conditions. ZTestRun objects can then be created which
> specify a whole range
> of test-cases to run.
> Another idea I had involves the creation of a scheduler
> inside Zope so that
> specified Zope code could be executed in the future or periodically.
> Caching, indexing, retrieving external data, backup etc and of corse
> scheduling running of test cases.
> Unfortunately for me I seem to have way more ideas than I
> have time so I
> don't know when I would get time to try implementing it so I
> thought I'd
> bounce it out into the community to see what others thought.
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