[Zope] textarea editing alternatives

Alex Verstraeten alex@quad.com.ar
Sun, 8 Apr 2001 17:59:53 -0300

I'm on the long quest to find a nice way to work with zope.
the alternatives are webdav, ftp and the built-in web management screens

WebDAV and FTP has the same problems: no syntax checking support on 'save' ,
no versioning support, no way to create a non dtml-document object, not all
editors have built-in ftp support, so you have to mount ftp as a filesystem
or use some tools to handle that..

Web manage: it's full featured, has all the things you need from zope,
except that you have to deal with an ugly textarea editing. (or copy/paste
to your fav editor)

what I need is a way to work with version support, to create any kind of
objects with *ANY* editor I want.

What I've found so far is:
lynx -editor=/usr/bin/vim and then ctrl-x e on the textarea to launch vim,
this is great.. but lynx is kinda ugly to work with.. So I've tried w3m..
much better layout, with prefered editor support on textareas, but still,
has some ugly issues, like not redirecting to the correct url's on the
links.. so you have to Umanage_main after each click.

Is there any other browser (x based if possible) besides w3m and lynx that
support textarea editing using your prefered editor?

I just dont find comfortable to create the objects via web and editing them
via ftp/dav it's just too annoying. do I have any other alternatives ?

