[Zope] Re: Owner, or not owner ?
arne keller
Sun, 25 Feb 2001 23:23:44 +0100
Emmanuel Viennet wrote:
> I'm playing for the first time with Zope 2.3.0
> (I have an old site running happily since 18 months Zope 2.1.4:-)
> I try to setup a site with several authors, each owning its
> folder. The users are defined at the root (/acl_users).
> The folder "Team/foo" belongs to the user "foo".
what do you mean with "belongs to "?
> In this folder, I grant the permission "View management screens"
> to the role "Owner".
> Problem: user "foo" can't manage its folder.
> If I grant this permission to "Anonymous", it works...
> In the ZopeBook, we read "Owner: This role is assigned automatically
> to users in the context of objects they create.".
> What did I missed ?
> Thanks for your help or for pointers to relevant documentation.
> --
> Emmanuel Viennet
> Dpt GTR - IUT de Villetaneuse - Universite Paris-Nord
> 93430 Villetaneuse - France
> http://www-gtr.iutv.univ-paris13.fr/
1- as Manager create foo Folder under .../team
2- go to url ...team/foo/manage
3- go to security tab
4- set local role foo <-> Owner
5- grant the permission "View management screens" to role Owner
6- exit your browser.
7- start your browser again with url: http://..../team/foo/manage
8- login as foo
and it works with my Zope-2.3.0
of course with the permission "View management screens" foo can't add
to his folder .../team/foo.
you may grant the permission "Add Documents, Images, and Files "
and "Add Folders " to Role Owner to allow foo to add theses items to
the folder .../team/foo.
May be it is better to define a new Role named "team" to the ".../team"
folder. Then you grant the permissions you want to the "team" Role.
For each user folder .../team/foo you assign the local Role foo <-> team
instead of changing the Owner default Role.
Arne Keller
Laboratoire de Photophysique Moleculaire du CNRS, Bat. 213.
Universite de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France.
tel.: (33) 1 69 15 82 83 -- fax. : (33) 1 69 15 67 77