[Zope] Zope Session Timeout

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Fri Sep 24 16:53:36 EDT 2004

> In a sublime bit of irony, I actually went to look at the API reference and found the following commentary at the top of the page:

<constructive Zope Book comment quotations snipped>

> Of course, I'm sure these were all lazy people who just like to complain and couldn't be troubled to RTFM.  I, as Andreas puts it, they don't have the "intelligence to perform such basic tasks as reading and doing investigations."

Paul Winkler has signed up to revamp this chapter for the 2.7 book. 
It's a huge, complicated, ill-defined and thankless task and may not get
done, however.  He could probably use some help.

- C

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