[ZPT] [Weakness] "tal:repeat" not yet right

Evan Simpson evan@zope.com
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 17:40:35 -0400

Dieter Maurer wrote:
 > 1. The "tal:repeat" has two different relevant contexts:
 > Currently, we have "tal:define" for the complete loop and "tal:condition"
 >  for each iteration.

Yes, in retrospect we should probably have made "tal:repeat" the first 
statement to be executed, so that all other statements on the same tag 
are in the iteration context.  Then it's clear that you need to use an 
enclosing tag for loop-level setup.

I'm very reluctant to change the order of operations this late in the 
game, though, and having two sorts of 'define' and 'condition' statement 
seems very awkward to me.

In short, I don't have a really good answer.


Evan @ Zope