May 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Sat May 1 07:59:03 EDT 2010
Ending: Mon May 31 07:59:12 EDT 2010
Messages: 240
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] z3c.form issue tracker
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] z3c.form release
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] z3c.form issue tracker
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] z3c.form release
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] z3c.form release
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] z3c.form release
Wichert Akkerman
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martin Aspeli
- [Zope-dev] z3c.form release
Martin Aspeli
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Alex Clark
- [Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/tags/3.5.0/ Tagging 3.5.0
Charlie Clark
- [Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/tags/3.5.0/ Tagging 3.5.0
Charlie Clark
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Charlie Clark
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Charlie Clark
- [Zope-dev] IRC Meeting Today at 15:00 UTC
Charlie Clark
- [Zope-dev] Zope-Dev Weekly Meeting Summary
Charlie Clark
- [Zope-dev] IRC Meeting Today at 15:00 UTC
Charlie Clark
- [Zope-dev] adding the weekly irc meetings record to the ZTK docs?
Charlie Clark
- [Zope-dev] IRC Meeting Today at 15:00 UTC
Charlie Clark
- [Zope-dev] Zope-Dev Weekly Meeting Summary
Charlie Clark
- [Zope-dev] Problem in Fetching values from the ZSQL method
Charlie Clark
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 6 Failed
Christophe Combelles
- [Zope-dev] ztk checknew script
Christophe Combelles
- [Zope-dev] summary of suggestions
Christophe Combelles
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Christophe Combelles
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 12 OK, 6 Failed
Christophe Combelles
- [Zope-dev] ztk checkversions script
Christophe Combelles
- [Zope-dev] [Zope3-Users] [ANN] Zope 3.4.1b2 KGS released
Christophe Combelles
- [Zope-dev] buildbot for ZTK released packages (linux 32)
Christophe Combelles
- [Zope-dev] buildbots on IRC
Christophe Combelles
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 12 OK, 7 Failed
Christophe Combelles
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 17 OK, 2 Failed
Christophe Combelles
- [Zope-dev] Nightly tests for Grok?
Sebastien Douche
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 17 OK, 2 Failed
Sebastien Douche
- [Zope-dev] Next bug day, on 2010-06-16 (Was: Schedule next bug day, please doodle until Friday)
Fred Drake
- [Zope-dev] Nightly tests for Grok?
Jan-Jaap Driessen
- [Zope-dev] zope.exceptiosn release has no relaese date
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] zope.exceptiosn release has no relaese date
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] zope.exceptiosn release has no relaese date
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] summary of suggestions
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] summary of suggestions
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] summary of suggestions
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] summary of suggestions
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] summary of suggestions
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] summary of suggestions
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] adding the weekly irc meetings record to the ZTK docs?
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] adding the weekly irc meetings record to the ZTK docs?
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] SVN: zopetoolkit/trunk/ztk.cfg Update to ZODB3 = 3.9.5 and include a pin for the new package providing the mkzeoinst script
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] SVN: zopetoolkit/trunk/ztk.cfg Update to ZODB3 = 3.9.5 and include a pin for the new package providing the mkzeoinst script
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] ZTK release team - kickoff meeting - delayed summary
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] buildbot for ZTK released packages (linux 32)
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] buildbot for ZTK released packages (linux 32)
Martijn Faassen
- [Zope-dev] Moving zpasswd from to zope.password?
Uli Fouquet
- [Zope-dev] buildbot for ZTK released packages (linux 32)
Uli Fouquet
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Vincent Fretin
- [Zope-dev] SVN: zopetoolkit/trunk/ztk.cfg Update to ZODB3 = 3.9.5 and include a pin for the new package providing the mkzeoinst script
Vincent Fretin
- [Zope-dev] zc.recipe.testrunner 1.0.1
- [Zope-dev] zc.recipe.testrunner 1.0.1
- [Zope-dev] zc.recipe.testrunner 1.0.1
- [Zope-dev] windows binaries
- [Zope-dev] [ANN] Zope 3.4.1b1 KGS released
- [Zope-dev] [ANN] Zope 3.4.1b2 KGS released
- [Zope-dev] [Zope3-Users] [ANN] Zope 3.4.1b2 KGS released
- [Zope-dev] where to annouce?
- [Zope-dev] zope.testing.testrunner: The command line is too long
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 17 OK, 2 Failed
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 17 OK, 2 Failed
- [Zope-dev] z3c.recipe.tag: ignore imports as tags
Marius Gedminas
- [Zope-dev] zc.recipe.testrunner 1.0.1
Michael Howitz
- [Zope-dev] z3c.recipe.tag: ignore imports as tags
Roman Joost
- [Zope-dev] zc.recipe.testrunner 1.0.1
Andreas Jung
- [Zope-dev] where to annouce?
Andreas Jung
- [Zope-dev] zope.password SSHAPasswordManager cannot handle unicode?
Jan-Wijbrand Kolman
- [Zope-dev] pypi access for and zope.password
Jan-Wijbrand Kolman
- [Zope-dev] pypi access for zope.password Was: pypi access for and zope.password
Jan-Wijbrand Kolman
- [Zope-dev] pypi access for zope.password Was: pypi access for and zope.password
Jan-Wijbrand Kolman
- [Zope-dev] zope.exceptiosn release has no relaese date
Baiju M
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Baiju M
- [Zope-dev] z3c.form release
Gediminas Paulauskas
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Zvezdan Petkovic
- [Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: zope.minmax/trunk/ Conform to repository policy.
Zvezdan Petkovic
- [Zope-dev] Conform to repository policy.
Zvezdan Petkovic
- [Zope-dev] Conform to repository policy.
Zvezdan Petkovic
- [Zope-dev] Version bump question? Bikeshed here.
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/tags/3.5.0/ Tagging 3.5.0
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/tags/3.5.0/ Tagging 3.5.0
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] Test fixture failure zope.interface under Python 3.1
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] Test fixture failure zope.interface under Python 3.1
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] zope.exceptiosn release has no relaese date
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] summary of suggestions
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] summary of suggestions
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Lennart Regebro
- [Zope-dev] pypi access for and zope.password
Stephan Richter
- [Zope-dev] Moving zpasswd from to zope.password?
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] summary of suggestions
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] SVN: Zope/trunk/versions.cfg Group versions by the 'sets' to which they correspond.
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] adding the weekly irc meetings record to the ZTK docs?
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] SVN: zopetoolkit/trunk/ztk.cfg Update to ZODB3 = 3.9.5 and include a pin for the new package providing the mkzeoinst script
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] Zope 2.12.6 this Monday
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] Zope2 - Breaking out more packages
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] Zope 2.12.6 this Monday
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] Zope2 - Breaking out more packages
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] ZTK release team - kickoff meeting - delayed summary
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 4 Failed
Hanno Schlichting
- [Zope-dev] z3c.recipe.tag: ignore imports as tags
Wolfgang Schnerring
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 6 Failed
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] summary of suggestions
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Hanno, please update the ZTK
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] SVN: Zope/trunk/versions.cfg Group versions by the 'sets' to which they correspond.
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] SVN: Zope/trunk/versions.cfg Group versions by the 'sets' to which they correspond.
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Nightly tests for Grok?
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 12 OK, 6 Failed
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] SVN: zopetoolkit/trunk/ztk.cfg Update to ZODB3 = 3.9.5 and include a pin for the new package providing the mkzeoinst script
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] SVN: zopetoolkit/trunk/ztk.cfg Update to ZODB3 = 3.9.5 and include a pin for the new package providing the mkzeoinst script
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] SVN: zopetoolkit/trunk/ztk.cfg Update to ZODB3 = 3.9.5 and include a pin for the new package providing the mkzeoinst script
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: zope.minmax/trunk/ Conform to repository policy.
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] SVN: zopetoolkit/trunk/ztk.cfg Update to ZODB3 = 3.9.5 and include a pin for the new package providing the mkzeoinst script
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Conform to repository policy.
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] z3c.form issue tracker
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope2 - Breaking out more packages
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Removing URL-based suppression of SiteAccess controls
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] buildbot for ZTK released packages (linux 32)
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] buildbot for ZTK released packages (linux 32)
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] buildbot for ZTK released packages (linux 32)
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 12 OK, 7 Failed
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 12 OK, 7 Failed
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 4 Failed
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 4 Failed
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] zope.server: "Exception during task" logging
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 17 OK, 2 Failed
Tres Seaver
- [Zope-dev] [PATCH] zope.testing/zope.testrunner doesn't tearDown layers when running in parallel
Sidnei da Silva
- [Zope-dev] Summary (Was: Developer meeting today 15:30 UTC, Agenda attached)
Sidnei da Silva
- [Zope-dev] Summary (Was: Developer meeting today 15:30 UTC, Agenda attached)
Sidnei da Silva
- [Zope-dev] New release: zc.recipe.wrapper 1.1.0
Alexander J Smith
- [Zope-dev] adding the weekly irc meetings record to the ZTK
Jan Smith
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 7 OK, 11 Failed, 1 Unknown
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 6 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 10 OK, 4 Failed, 2 Unknown
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 11 OK, 5 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 12 OK, 6 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 16 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 12 OK, 8 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 12 OK, 7 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 12 OK, 6 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 12 OK, 7 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 12 OK, 7 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 4 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 17 OK, 2 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 18 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 18 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 18 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 18 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 17 OK, 2 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 18 OK, 1 Failed
Zope Tests Summarizer
- [Zope-dev] Last week's meeting summary
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] IRC Meeting Today at 15:00 UTC
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Conform to repository policy.
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 15 OK, 1 Failed
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] IRC Meeting Today at 15:00 UTC
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Agenda for today
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Summary of this week's meeting
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Developer meeting today 15:30 UTC, Agenda attached
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Developer meeting today *15* UTC
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Summary (Was: Developer meeting today 15:30 UTC, Agenda attached)
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Schedule next bug day, please doodle until Friday
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Summary (Was: Developer meeting today 15:30 UTC, Agenda attached)
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] pypi access for zope.password Was: pypi access for and zope.password
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Schedule next bug day, please doodle until Friday
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] z3c.recipe.tag: ignore imports as tags
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] z3c.recipe.tag: ignore imports as tags
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Next bug day, on 2010-06-16 (Was: Schedule next bug day, please doodle until Friday)
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Next bug day, on 2010-06-16 (Was: Schedule next bug day, please doodle until Friday)
Christian Theune
- [Zope-dev] Test fixture failure zope.interface under Python 3.1
Jens Vagelpohl
- [Zope-dev] Test fixture failure zope.interface under Python 3.1
Jens Vagelpohl
- [Zope-dev] NOTICE: Planned server outage
Jens Vagelpohl
- [Zope-dev] REMINDER: Planned server outage
Jens Vagelpohl
- [Zope-dev] NOTICE: Planned server and list outage
Jens Vagelpohl
- [Zope-dev] REMINDER: Planned server and list outage LATER TODAY
Jens Vagelpohl
- [Zope-dev] [ZODB-Dev] Problem with handling of data managers that join transactions after savepoints
Chris Withers
- [Zope-dev] zope.server: "Exception during task" logging
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Zope-dev] Problem in Fetching values from the ZSQL method
- [Zope-dev] Problem in Fetching values from the ZSQL method
Last message date:
Mon May 31 07:59:12 EDT 2010
Archived on: Mon May 31 07:59:14 EDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).